
Paul Laurence Dunbar

"Thou art a fool"; said my head to my heart,
"Indeed, the greatest fools thou art,
to be led astray by the trickle of tears,
by a smiling face or a ribbon smart."
And my heart was in sore distress.

Then Phyllis came by, and her face was fair,
The light gleamed soft on her raven hair;
And her lips were blooming a rosy red.
Then my heart spoke out with a right bold air,
"Thou art worse than a fool, O head!"

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Dont find him, he'll find you

This is actually one of those forwarded e-mails that was sent to me by my friend back when we were still in college. It opened up a new perspective and waiting for me since then had become less agonizing but more fun and exciting. Sure, there were still a lot of times when I grew impatient and sulk around but they don't last very long and I always try to recover and cheer up immediately. I always believed that everything in life has a purpose and as I journey through this life, bumps and scratches are unavoidable. I resolved to grow where I am planted whether or not I meet that someone. Who knows, I may yet reach that bend in the road.

A few years ago someone said the words I most needed to hear as a single woman. Ironically, it was another single woman who uttered these words - a bit of wisdom gleaned from her mother, I suspect. If I could tell her now, I would let my friend know how much her simple reply comforted my heart, and how many times it has anchored me when I despaired of ever finding "the one." They are words I want you to hear too.

Having just passed the time of year that privately makes every "searching single" wince - Valentine's Day - it was a relief when the words from this long-ago conversation floated back to me, as relevant as the day they were spoken.

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Love Never Fails

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Seasons of Love

Love season is here once again and even though that particular emotion has become overused and abused over time, it still remains the most mysterious and sought after feeling. Men have written countless prose and poetry regarding the subject and the many disputes and dilemmas attributed to it are innumerable. Of course, what man does not desire such a thing? Only a fool would choose isolation from humanity. But even so, a fool also sometimes seeks attention and therefore unknowingly lets slip that he is in dire need of love as well.

To love and be loved is most fulfilling. One's life becomes meaningful and colorful if he has someone to share his achievements and failures with. A burden does not become a burden if another person is there to help carry the weight. And bliss doubles if someone is there to laugh with.

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